Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bus tours

The Bus Tours have begun their regular visits for our famous Natural History Talk. We are looking forward to a busy season of visitors from many parts of the world.

Los autobuses de turistas han comenzado sus visitas para escuchar nuestra famosa plática de historia natural. Esperamos mucha gente de diferentes partes del mundo durante esta temporada.

In Action Jan. 2006

Our first eco-adventure of the year took tourists to the Pinacate biosphere reserve. Spectacular views of craters and raptors captivated everyone.

Nuestra primera eco-aventura fue a la Reserva de la Biosfera del Pinacate. Vistas espectaculares de cráteres y rapaces cautivaron a todos.

Field Notes

Hem & Nadia get down and dirty while performing invertebrate sampling and find a Red Coachwhip snake sunning on the road.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Virtual roadblocks

Lately we're having a lot of trouble with our server and maintaining our FTP connection long enough to update the CEDO web site or even to fix the link to the weather page updates. So until I can pin down someone from tech support long enough to answer my questions you can access the Puerto Penasco weather summaries in English here:

And in Spanish here: